Friday, February 15, 2013

~* Happy New Year and A Little Announcement *~

Happy New Year, dear readers! Sorry it's been so long since my last post but we have been renovating the house like crazy and I have had literally no time or energy to devote to my writing and blogging or anything else for that matter!

Also, a little news to share with you all, I am expecting again, with babybat number two due at the end of July. So this will explain the lack of outfit / fashion posts since I have put on weight already and look rather unpleasant at the moment! This also explains my lack of energy to post entries. Hope you all understand.

It's been an exciting 2013 so far - I'm so glad that this time around I haven't had any morning sickness and vomitting. I feel quite good besides the fatigue and cravings...

We don't want to find out the gender, we want to get a surprise on the day (just like last time)! So many things to organise before the babybat arrives -- we have luckily nearly finished all renovations for now and I just need to declutter the house and organise what to buy for the baby etc.

In other news, I finally submitted my last assignment: now to wait for everything to be assessed etc! Yay! Hopefully I will get my diploma very soon and tick that course off my Goal list for 2013...